Sunday, January 17, 2010

Love for Books

Contrary to popular opinion, I like being quite, rolling over pages on a book or scrolling through my browser. To me, its always been the best time of the day, time that i own. From surviving on your pocket money to being paid by a corp. things change, change big time. Previously, i'd buy a book, read it completely and then buy another one. Then good old university happened, yeah its past tense now, dramatics society engulfed me and i couldn't get time for anything besides academics, watching movies, job/internship hunts and in the very last year, Kanza.
In Karachi, Liberty Books is my favorite hang out place, yeah...hang out. In the span of last six months, i have bought books like crazy and been able to read just one.
In the unconventional engineering to sales/marketing career move i've made in my life, i've been assured by Allah that the spice in my life is change and just change. Same is my book taste.
I'd get crazy reading fiction. Read it night after night and then drop it altogether for months.
Had it not been an engineering university, i must have kept writing more and more. Although i wrote some stuff, but most of it was for Kanza. And yes, a woman loses greater part of her heart through her ears.
These days i'm reading Losing my Virginity by Richard Branson, i love it so far. The guy does come across as an original man.
On my list i have,
Communist Manifesto
Imran Khan Biography
and many more...
Gotta go now, steering presentation making.

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